Welcome to Chaffey Joint Union High School District's virtual escape designed for our students, staff, families, and school community as an outlet for stressful times.

*Disclaimer: The following links are purely for educational purposes and are not intended as psychological interventions or as a substitute for psychological treatment. If you are in need of psychological help, you should seek the consultation of a licensed medical health professional.

Manage Your Emotions
Why Mindfulness is a Superpower
Mindfulness-Animated (3 minutes)
5-4-3-2-1 Method to Manage Anxiety
You Are Not Your Thoughts
How Mindfulness Changes Our Brains
Mindfulness Exercise to Calm Emotions
The Stress Bucket
Self-Compassion Exercise (5 minutes)
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness Explained
Mindfulness for Teachers
Mindfulness Activity (2 minutes)
3 Mindfulness Exercises
Everyday Mindfulness
Mindfulness & How the Brain Works

Being Selfish is Selfless

Boundaries for Your Health
Boundaries for Friends and Family
Boundaries for Work
Boundaries for Yourself
Healing from Codependency