My name is Mrs. Nora H. Farraj, and I am your Director of Community Relations! Integral to a strong school community is forming and maintaining partnerships with our stakeholders--parents, families, and community members.

Our district is committed to providing both in-person and  virtual opportunities for parents to connect with their schools. These  opportunities include various committees such as Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA), English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC), School Site Council (SSC), as well as events such as Coffee with the Principal, parent workshops, and others.
Please feel free to reach out to me for both parent/community partnerships and training opportunities along with your own career and academic interests. Follow me on Twitter @Academic_Farraj and Instagram @cjuhsd_communityrelations

All CJUHSD students will graduate ready for college and careers
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Upcoming events

October, 26 2022 at 6 p.m. Fentanyl Awareness Seminar

Mexican Folkloric dancers
Superintendent Dr. Holton, AP Nora H. Farraj, and Assistant Superintendent Dr. Oduro
Fashion Show at the Multicultural Fair
Principal Todd Haag, AP Nora H. Farraj, and Showcase Dancers
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